
11.18.08, 10:15pm

i am not a pill taker. i even eschew the use of aspirin and tylenol except in extreme circumstances. but tonight i opted for the ambien they prescribed as a good night's sleep is something one must purchase in here. i am told ambien is essentially side-effect free, but as one who is prone to hangovers i do hope sleep is worth the price i will pay.

today i have been admitted to the inpatient psych ward, evaluated and deemed unfit to leave, essentially forced to eat meat or go hungry (i hope for better things from the kitchen tomorrow) [the ward staff was on my side, but the kitchen couldn't seem to get a handle on the vegetarian thing], attended my first group therapy sessions, met an alternate-future-universe version of myself, carried on a 2-hour conversation with a schizophrenic during which i was accused of having black hair, wearing a black suit with red armbands, being at various times her abusive ex-husband james, her gay half-brother barry whom she loved, jesus christ, satan, and a handful of minor characters whose true roles i could not define. i had a friend and lover visit me and regained hope through that. and i now am being surprised by how quickly ambien acts. beware now the snorgle beet zoom, lobsterdog. hoocha!

as days go, this was a weird one. a new experience.

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