
11.20.08, 8:00am

i'm going home today. i thought i might actually be nervous, but i'm not. i am purely grateful. i know there's a lot in front of me yet, but it will be a joy to go through it after being in here.

snaggletooth joined us yesterday. i believe her to be homeless, judging solely by appearance. she actually seemed foggy but lucid for all of yesterday, but at this moment she is carrying on a phone conversation. problem is that she has the phone base in her lap, and that's it. the receiver is still on the hook. were it just rambling i may not have noticed, but there is clearly a second side to the dialogue. as near as i can tell, it is rough on young women named camela who are arrested for using lemon pledge bubble bath at 110 degrees fahrenheit. i swear, you can't make this stuff up.

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